Search Beyond Genre

Because a story has more chance of being read if it isn’t competing with thousands of others.

A single platform for novels, serial and fan fiction.

Because a story is a story—regardless of what format it’s written in.

No advertising or promotion of stories

Because every story deserves an equal chance of being read

No reviews to cloud your judgement

Because you’re an individual. Your tastes are unique.

Incentives for recommending stories

Because readers are the wings that can make a good book fly.

Easily lend eBooks to friends

Because, let’s face it, you should be able to do that anyway.

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Changing Fiction Forever

Every year, in an industry worth more than US$11 billion, millions of writers publish millions of stories.

Only a select few will ever earn enough to make a living.

But it has never been harder to find the right story to read.

But it has never been harder to find the right story to read.

Tell me more

The fight to find readers is not a fair one

In an Amazon-dominated jungle, most stories simply get lost. Advertising and promotion act as a map. The more you spend, the better the directions.

At Fabel, we can’t promise that you’ll be able to make a living from writing.

But we can promise that every story will stand a fair chance of being read.


The market doesn’t see readers as individuals

It pigeonholes stories into 144 genres and subgenres that are supposed to help narrow down the choice. But this just swamps readers with thousands of results.

At Fabel, we recognise that every reader’s tastes are unique.

We promise to make it easier to find the right story to read.

At Fabel, We're on a mission to create

A Community of Stories.

At Fabel, we're on a mission to go beyond the traditional concept of ‘market.’ We’re creating a fellowship of authors and readers a fair and transparent marketplace—for stories of all kinds—in which the two can transact directly, establish relationships and work to achieve mutual benefit. To do this, we’re making innovative use of blockchain technology. It’s a novel approach that we believe will change the fiction market forever.

Search Beyond Genre

Because a story has more chance of being read if it isn't competing with thousands of others.

The Fabel Short Story Prize

The Fabel Short Story Competition will be coming to this space on 31st July.

As you would expect from a marketplace that is looking to change fiction forever, we will be taking a unique approach to this competition. At Fabel, we are eliminating subjective assessments of manuscripts and opening the market to stories of all kinds. Our philosophy is that readers should be the only and ultimate arbiters of quality. Hence, readers will play a significant role in judging the Fabel Short Story Prize.

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